April 2021

2021 Thematic Grants
“Disruption & Resilience”

Asia Pacific Initiative

In support of a publication that presents a critical review of reports, assessments issued in the months following the 3.11.2011 Fukushima disaster, and makes recommendations on preparedness for future nuclear disasters.
Tokyo, Japan ¥3,000,000

NPO Women’s Eye

In support of the Women’s Empowerment Report, a publication chronicling the experience and knowledge achieved by women’s empowerment projects from the immediate post-3.11.2011 period to the present.
Miyagi, Japan ¥2,380,000

The Public Radio Exchange

The on-demand catalogue of public radio program, for its The World podcast for production of radio features and original multimedia content timed to coincide with the 10th Anniversary of 3.11.2011 and to seek out new stories on its legacy of recovery, rebuilding and rethinking the future in northeastern Japan.
Boston, MA US$ 32,000

Global Fund for Education Assistance ( Beyond Tomorrow )

To support “Resilience of Youths after the 3.11 Disaster” a tenth anniversary project of the Beyond Tomorrow program which has supported the life journeys of young survivors of the 3.11.2011 disaster.
Tokyo, Japan ¥1,968,892

NPO Human Security Forum

To support ongoing research on the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on 1800 single mother households in Japan through interviews for data on economic and mental health status.
Tokyo, Japan ¥2,450,000

Fish Family Foundation Japan

To support six women-led initiatives aimed at long-term recovery from 3.11.2011through building the capacities of nonprofit organizations to facilitate employment training, job placement, life-training skills and to serve the still-vulnerable populations of the Tohoku region.
Tokyo, Japan ¥5,000,000 (a matching grant)

NPO Women’s Eye

To support the “Grassroots Academy Tohoku in California Berkeley”, a project which will introduce a select group of ten Tohoku-based women leaders to engage with Berkeley, California community leaders, activists and start-up entrepreneurs who have experience in revitalizing disadvantaged communities. Results will be disseminated to peers and other leaders involved.
Miyagi, Japan ¥6,505,000

Columbia University Earth Center, in partnership with Keio University and Taiwan National University

To support data-driven disaster planning in New York, Tokyo and Taipei to enhance urban resilience of three megacities. The project will address needs of vulnerable socio-economic groups via data collection, analysis and hazards/human responses simulation. It is expected to develop dynamic updating of disaster conditions and scenarios and make recommendations for urban risk governance to respond to dynamic situations.
New York, NY US$ 125,000

Dr. Lucy Jones Center for Science and Society

To support the Climate Crisis Collaborative, a consortium of Japanese and American scientists and musicians seeking to understand how music can function as an effective form of persuasion to respond to the threats of climate change.
Los Angeles, CA US$ 95,744

NPO Human Security Forum

To support earthquake/tsunami devastated populations Kessennuma, Japan by partnering with an international data company and local government to raise employment opportunities by creating training centers for programming and data input.
Tokyo, Japan ¥8,000,860

The Gotham Film and Media Institute

To support planning and production of an interdisciplinary film/VR documentary “Fukushima Now” to take viewers to the heart of Fukushima and meet the survivors living in the shadow of the crisis today – a joint effort by filmmakers in top cinema academies in US and Japan.
Brooklyn, NY US$66,560

Old Dominion University

 To support project focusing on the problem of stigmatization of people and communities affected by the Fukushima Dai-ichi accident. Internationally recognized authority on the aftereffects of nuclear disasters, Dr. Steven Becker and his team suggest this phenomenon is one of the most challenging and unattended after effects of a nuclear disaster.

Norfolk, VA US$ 62,600

International House of Japan

To support a team of Japanese and American artists collaboration on project to engage young victims of the 3.11 disaster in articulation of still unresolved emotional trauma from the event. Rather than engaging clinical solutions, the artists hope for a series of art installations employing the template journey of the poet Basho.
Tokyo, Japan ¥2,200,000



Amerasian School in Okinawa

To support inclusive bilingual curriculum development efforts for an independent school in
Okinawa targeted at Japanese-American students and other students who have limited access to the Japanese public school system.
Okinawa, Japan ¥5,880,000

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