Proposal Guidelines

The United States-Japan Foundation makes every effort to maintain a simple and clear application format. If at any time you have questions regarding the proposal format or application guidelines in general, please contact the Foundation.

While grant proposals may vary in content, style, and length, USJF would appreciate it if the following suggestions were adopted. This format is for those applying for new grants only; please refer to the suggested renewal guidelines if you are applying for a second, or in rare cases, a third year of funding.

Notes and Limitations

Before applying for a grant, please take the time to carefully review the following notes and limitations:

  • Grants can only be made to holding non-profit status organizations. Foundation grants may not be used for lobbying or to support election to public offices.
  • The Foundation accepts no responsibility for keeping any part of a request confidential and reserves the right to discuss a proposal with outside titled experts to assist the program staff in its evaluation.
  • The Foundation limits overhead expenses to 10% of the total project budget.

General Information

The final proposal must be written in English. Please electronically both the narrative portion of and budget of the proposal to You do not need to send a hand-copy of the proposal.

Overall Length of the Proposal

Please keep the length of the narrative portion (i.e. excluding the budget, resumes, and other appendix items) of the proposal to approximately 4,000 words or under. The proposal may be single or double-spaced. Proposals are circulated among the USJF staff and occasionally to anonymous outside reviewers and titled experts. If your project is recommended to the Board of Trustees for funding, the Board will only see a summarized version of your proposal. Therefore, the content of your proposal is more important than the presentation.


In one brief paragraph, please explain the who, what, where, when, how, and why of the project.

Project Description

Please describe what your project would look like if carried out as planned. Be as specific as possible, elaborating on words like study, explore, and examine. Detail who will be involved and how the proposed project will contribute to improved US-Japan relations. Explain why this project is needed at this particular time and provide details on the state of the field (e.g., what, if any other, similar projects have been or are being conducted on this topic or a similar topic), and elaborate on what is distinct or unique about your project. If your project is a multi-faceted one, please place the emphasis on the portion of the project that is being considered for the grant, rather than on the description of the entire project. (Approx. 1,500 words)


Please state the specific objectives that your project will achieve. Who will your project impact in the short term and long-term? How will these objectives impact the field as a whole? (Approx. 250 words)


Although there may be some overlap between this section and the description section of your proposal, this is the place to emphasize how your project will accomplish its goals. What are the steps you will take to ensure the project is successful? Please include a detailed timeline of how the project will proceed. (Approx. 1,250 words)


Explain how you plan to disseminate and sustain the impact of the project’s outcome? In what way will your project continue after funding from the Foundation is complete? (Approx. 500 words)

About the Applying Institution(s)

Please explain why your institution and the personnel involved (and your collaborating institutions) are qualified, or best qualified, to conduct this project. Please focus on the relevant qualifications. (Approx. 500 words)

Complete Budget

Please include a complete budget (i.e. please show the entire cost of your project even if your are asking the Foundation to consider only a fraction of that cost). The budget should be calculated and presented according to the USJF budget guidelines (see below). The grant may be requested in US dollars and / or Japanese Yen.

Tax-exempt Status

For US-based organizations, please submit a copy of your IRS determination letter indicating you are a 501(c)(3) organization or are tax exempt for some other reason. Japan-based organizations are requested to submit some form of documentation demonstrating their nonprofit status; please consult with Foundation staff if there are questions. The Foundation does not make grants to individuals, nor for profit organizations.

Optional Appendix Items

It is helpful for the Foundation to receive resumes from the main people involved in your project. In addition, you may feel free to include other information such as letters of support and annual reports which might help us understand your organization and project better. (Please note that the Foundation will not be able to return these items).

Reviewing the Foundation Contract

Before finalizing an award, the Foundation requires a contract for proposals that are positively judged by our Board of Trustees. You will find information and links about the contract here “USJF Standard Contract Terms and Conditions.” Even at the early stage of inquiry, it is important to understand the contractual requirements to avoid possible later confusion. If you are an institutional applicant, consultation with your legal department or representative about the contractual terms is essential.


Suggested Budget Format

Note: included figures are for illustrative purposes only and are NOT meant to reflect real, or realistic costs.

Items Amount Requested  from  USJF Amount from other sources* Total Proposed Amount
I. Salary $50,000 $25,000 $75,000
Project Director(25% time for 12 months) $25,000 $25,000 $50,000
Administrative Assistant (50% time for 12 months) $15,000 $0 $15,000
Secretary (50% time for 12 months) $10,000 $0 $10,000
II. Consultants $4,200 $4,200 $8,400
International Education Consultant (2 days @ $200 per day) $200 $200 $400
Curriculum Consultant (3 days @ $500 per day) $1,500 $1,500 $3,000
Japan/America Scholar(s) (5 days @ $500 per day) $2,500 $2,500 $5,000
III. Travel $26,700 $30,700 $57,400
Tokyo-New York (5 people @ $1,500 per trip x 2 trips) $5,000 $10,000 $15,000
Hotel (5 people @ $150 per day x 10 days x 2 trips) $15,000 $15,000 $30,000
Meals (5 people @ $40 per day x 2 trips) $400 $400 $800
Admission Fees (i.e. museums and cultural events) $300 $300 $600
In-country transportation (5 people @ $400 x 3 trips) $6,000 $5,000 $11,000
IV. Program Costs $400 $400 $800
Books (5 people x 2 books @ $20 each) $200 $200 $400
Curriculum Materials $200 $200 $400
V. Publications $10,000 $5,000 $15,000
1,000 copies x 15 page report $10,000 $5,000 $15,000
Subtotal $91,300 $65,300 $156,600
Overhead $9,130 $6,530 $15,660
TOTAL $100,430 $71,830 $172,260

*Please state the name of the foundation(s)/donor(s) which have either been contacted or have extended funding.


Contact Information
United States-Japan Foundation
Questions about the Grants
should be directed to

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