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US-Japan Foundation shifts to a once-a-year Grant Program

New Award Cycle
The United States-Japan Foundation is pleased to announce a restructuring of its Grant Program annual awards cycle. Whereas in previous years, grants were awarded biannually (Spring and Autumn), the Foundation will award grants only in the Autumn starting from 2022. While a greater percentage of the Foundation’s available annual funds will be dedicated to thematic grants, applications in the legacy categories of Education, Policy and Communication & Public Opinion will also be considered.

2022 Theme: Disruption and Resilience
Based on the strong response to and ongoing relevance of the 2021 Disruption and Resilience theme, that theme will be continued in 2022. As in 2021, thematic grants will continue to present opportunities for a diverse range of individuals, sectors and disciplines to address issues of mutual consequence to American and Japanese societies. The Foundation will favor projects submitted by partnerships of Japanese and American applicants. Projects proposing one- and two-year durations will be considered. Funding for multi-year grants will be awarded annually (incrementally) based on satisfactory performance. Recipients of thematic grants will be fully informed about the contents of all other successful thematic applications. All awardees will be expected to interact in biannual gatherings (virtual) organized by the Foundation.

Sharing resources, methodologies, discoveries and critiques, each thematic cohort will be expected to devise a method of communicating its relevant insights to specialists and general audiences. The Foundation will actively monitor awards and peer perspectives may be solicited to evaluate the original application or to observe or assist the granteeʼs progress. Applications for grants proposing projects of one and two year durations will be considered.

Out of Cycle Requests
Out of cycle requests will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

The Foundation continues to honor and monitor varying restrictions imposed local and national jurisdictions attempting to contain the pandemic. Grant applicants submitting proposals that include requests for international travel funding should be aware of these changing restrictions and to expect consultation with the Foundation in the course of the application process. Also, any applications proposing group gatherings must comply with attendance limitations as determined by local jurisdictions.

Grant timeline for 2022 and beyond

Autumn cycle:

• June 1: LOIs due
• June 30: RFPs issued
• August 1: Proposals Due
• October (approx. 4th week): Grants awarded

The United States-Japan Foundation appreciates your understanding of these procedural changes and welcomes any queries. Please address any questions or concerns to: