The US-Japan Foundation announces the appointment of Lawrence K. Fish as Chair of the Foundation’s Board of Trustees effective October 20, 2022. Mr. Fish joined the Foundation’s Board in 2017 and has served as Chair of the Finance Committee. Mr. Fish is the former Chairman and CEO of Citizens Financial Group, Inc. He has been a leader across a range of philanthropic endeavors and has served with distinction on the boards of major educational and policy institutions. Through the auspices of the Fish Family Foundation, together with his wife Atsuko, he has extended innovative, long-term assistance for the victims of the 2011 earthquake, tsunami and nuclear disasters in Japan’s Tohoku region. 
Fish succeeds James W. Lintott who joined the Foundation Board in 2007 and served for more than a decade as its Chair. Lintott has been active in US-Japanese business for decades and is an internationally recognized expert in foundation management. His association with the Foundation began in 2000 as a founding member of the United States Japan Leadership Program.