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USJF Mourns the Untimely Death of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe

Written by Kelly | Jul 8, 2022 1:59:13 PM

The United States-Japan Foundation joins the world in stunned mourning of the assassination of former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. 

Sadly, we have grown all too accustomed to the use of violence as a political tool. Whatever the motives, to see it employed in Japan is breathtakingly unexpected. Tragically, the Prime Minister’s life was taken while he exercised one of the most quotidian features of a democracy and open society—delivering a campaign speech prior to an election.

The Prime Minister had an undeniable presence on the world stage and projected Japan’s commitment to addressing global issues in partnership with the United States. His long tenure nurtured a sense of familiarity and dependability around the world.

We have lost a friend and offer our condolences to all who mourn him.